How to get rid of excess weight quickly
Many people seek to lose weight and we may find those who follow some wrong ways to lose weight quickly, such as weight-loss meals, weight-loss pills, and fasting for long periods, and all of these methods are unhealthy and cause health problems, so we have selected the best ways and means by which you can lose your weight properly and relatively quickly. But before you try any method, you must make sure that you do not have any health problems: Here is the answer to your question How do I get rid of excess weight quickly
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The purpose of weight-loss meals is to lose a large amount of your weight in the least time, but before you start eating these meals you should consult your own doctor to know the amount that you can take without harm and we explain here some types of weight-loss meals and how to use them correctly:
1- Water : This method depends on drinking 8 cups a day of cold water at regular intervals
Drink a glass of water before each meal to give you a feeling of fullness and reduce your appetite for food. - Do not add sugar or honey to the water - Do not drink water only without eating because water does not replace meals - Eating vitamins to compensate for the important vitamins and nutrients your body loses by increasing the amount of urine that the kidneys extract from the body as a result of drinking too much water. - Diet water
2- Weight loss juice : it works to rid the body of toxins and reduces the amount of water in the body. Here you can only drink fruit and vegetable juices without eating meals. You can take vitamins with it or replace it with one small healthy meal per day.
3- Lemon juice : It is a diet based on eating only lemon juice - Eat between 6- 12 cups of lemon juice made with water every day. You can also drink tea twice a day. - This system is very useful because it works as an antiseptic as well as lose weight in the long run.
4- Cabbage Soup: It helps you lose weight ten ounces a week. A diet rich in fiber and low in fat. You can also eat vegetables, fruits, meat and rice with at least 4 cups of water. - This system lasts for 7 days, but you should not maintain it for a long time because your body loses some important nutrients necessary for health. - Soup recipes for weight loss
5- A salt-free diet: It helps rid the body of excess water because it prevents it from being trapped in the body. - In this diet, salt should not be added to food, as is sodium salt found in takeaway and in restaurants. Here you should also have 8 cups of water (2 liters) and green tea, in moderate proportions. You should not last more than two weeks on this system. - This system is appropriate and more effective for patients who suffer from water retention in the skin, and to know whether you are one of them or not, note your body after eating a salted meal, and if you find that you cannot, for example, remove the ring from your hand or wear shoes as easily as you were before eating the meal, know Your body is sensitive to sodium.
6- Chorionic hormone (HCG): taken by injection or as a dietary supplement that helps burn body fat - makes the calorie burning rate from 500 to 800 calories, an appropriate amount to lose weight. It has not been approved as a safe weight loss treatment, so its use may cause some harmful side effects. Those who used this hormone found that their weight had returned to what it was when you stopped using it
Health centers and clubs
This is another way to lose weight, which is easy and fast. You can go to those centers such as the sauna, medical clinics, and others that offer programs that are designed to lose weight consistently as they work to tighten flabs and skin, but you must continue to exercise and appropriate diet later on because the health centers alone Only do it temporarily, after which you return your weight as it was.
1- Wrap the metal body: It is an excellent way to help you lose weight in the waist and thighs, and the existing minerals help rid the body of toxins and reduce the appearance of cellulite as well.
2- Wrap the body with a lipase enzyme: It is also a quick way to rid the body of extra weight and is done in two steps:
First: The body is wrapped in lipase to get rid of the fat on the surface of the body
Second: Wrap the mineral body to rid the body of toxins and tighten the skin.
3- Wrap the body in the European way: It is also an important way to get rid of cellulite and work to lose weight but temporarily.
4- Thermal body wrapping: It is a well-known method that is also useful in ridding the body of toxins and increasing the elasticity and softness of the skin. This heat works to regulate and improve the blood circulation in the body.
5- Going to the steam bath (sauna): the resulting steam works to rid you of approximately half a liter of sweat in a quarter of an hour. After finishing the steam bath, you should drink a few cups of water to avoid dehydration. The duration of the steam bath should not exceed 15-20 minutes per day. Sauna should not be used with people suffering from heart disease or blood pressure, and it should not be used for children.
6- Colon: Some health centers offer colon treatments, as they work to wash and clean the colon with water to get rid of the waste and feces accumulated in it. This method helps patients suffering from bloating, gas and constipation, and also helps in losing weight.
7- Liposuction : It is a surgery that helps to lose weight quickly, especially for those who suffer from the accumulation of fat in certain areas of their body. - Because of the surgical intervention here, this surgery must be done by a specialist.
2- You must include the important nutrients in your meal and reduce the calorie intake in it.
3 Determine your daily caloric needs: The body's caloric needs vary according to age, gender, height and weight because knowing the appropriate caloric requirement helps your diet succeed. Know the number of calories and the amount of fats your body consumes daily and make sure to adjust them according to global health standards.
4- Write a weekly log of your diet: write down every meal, snack, or drink you eat during the week. Don't forget to write also the spices you used and the coffee. - Thus, you will know the amount of calories your body consumed and then try to reduce or increase it to the appropriate amount.
5- Determine what opens your appetite for food : Determining which foods you love the most and avoiding them will help you reduce the percentage of calories you eat which helps the success of the diet.
6- List of the week: Get a book about the most important healthy foods and you will find in it the types of foods that are less in calories. Through this, you can define a list of meals of the week with good calories.
7- Do not neglect meals: breakfast is very beneficial for health, vitality and activity throughout the day, and it can help you avoid eating high-calorie snacks, and you should know that regular eating helps regulate blood sugar and reduces unhealthy calories .
8- Replace your unhealthy sources with other healthy sources of fats, sugars and calories because this would help you get rid of extra weight better.
9- Healthy fast food : You can eat healthy fast food like potato chips and some sweets. They are less in fat and calories as well. You can also get meals that contain no more than 100-200 calories, and healthy fast food should include Vegetables, fruits, carrots, tomatoes and other useful and important nutrients.
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10- Eat fruit juices that contain a lower percentage of calories, and you can replace these juices with water, as this has a benefit that you cannot imagine where the water does not contain calories, so it is useful and very important for health and weight loss.
11- Choose lean meats : poultry and fish contain very low levels of fat, and some fish such as tuna, salmon, and sardines are important sources of antioxidants and omega-3 acid that is very beneficial to health. You can also replace meat in your diet with some vegetarian food for a day or 2 per week.
12- Replace dishes with higher calories with other dishes less calories.
13- Drink water instead of coffee, soft drinks, and juices, as this helps you reduce hundreds of calories a day.
14- Not so much in grocery stores and foodstuff stores that have high-calorie foods and materials so as not to weaken and buy substances that are harmful to your health.
15- Prepare your own food instead of buying ready-made fast food.
16- Myo healthy diet: It is an excellent diet developed by medical and research centers and it helps to lose weight very quickly, and whoever used this diet did not show any harmful side effects.
Playing sports
You may know that you can lose weight either by reducing the percentage of calories you eat or by increasing the burning of calories in your body, and any weight-loss plan must include the two methods and that exercise is better in terms of the result.
1- Set a time to exercise: setting a specific time to exercise daily will make you avoid eating fatty food. Housework is an opportunity to burn calories: Doing housework is tantamount to exercising, for example watering the garden or washing your car. Always use the stairs to go up and down instead of the elevator.
2- Choose the exercises that you can do at the beginning of your exercise: - Start with simple exercises until you gain skill and confidence with time. - And with continued practice, you will find that in short periods of time, you lose weight from different parts of your body, such as the waist, thighs and arms.
3- Choose the exercise program for weight loss: - As a fat burning program that helps you to maintain your health from many diseases in addition to losing weight in a coordinated way, and be sure to choose a health system that contains the lowest percentage of calories and follow it with exercise.
4- Diversity in different sports helps you lose weight quickly.
5- Focus on exercise that the whole body requires to perform, so that you can burn a greater percentage of calories and you can also build muscles.
6- Make sure to practice some sports outdoors: such as walking, riding a bike and swimming, as it helps to burn calories and helps protect the heart from disease.
7- Resistance exercises and loads: You can practice resistance sports and lifting weights to start with a little weight and then gain weight over time. This has the biggest effect on burning fat, calories, muscle formation, and improving metabolism.
8- You can do some exercises through your daily life. For example, be sure to plant flowers and play with pets, as this helps you burn calories, but with pleasure. - Games like volleyball and tennis also help you burn calories, all of which ultimately leads you to lose extra pounds.
9- Take a rest: Getting enough rest will help you to keep your energy, as it reduces the feeling of hunger you have and makes you less likely to be injured while performing exercise. You should take 24-48 hours rest between training sessions. Also, you should sleep enough hours because lack of sleep reduces your ability to lose fat.
10 - Try to prepare your food using olive oil instead of other oils: as olive oil contains a high percentage of monounsaturated fats that work to reduce the level of harmful cholesterol in the blood that causes atherosclerosis, and these fats reduce the risk of infection Heart disease because it maintains good cholesterol in the blood.
- Lose weight in a healthy way, by combining a healthy diet with exercise and drinking large amounts of water.
Be patient and optimistic, and do not despair quickly. Know that any system or method of losing weight in a healthy way takes longer than harmful fast means.
Eating slowly reduces your caloric intake as the mind takes 20 minutes to receive the signal of hunger and taking breath while eating also prevents you from eating too much.
Do not try to be constantly hungry to lose weight, as this will negatively affect the general health of the body.
Refer to your doctor to determine an appropriate and safe diet.
You must do a thorough medical examination before you can try any of the methods that we mentioned to lose weight.
- Rapid weight loss is temporary and sometimes it is very dangerous to health so do not resort to harmful methods and focus well in choosing what suits you from healthy and safe methods.
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